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Statistics are automatically computed from available data, and are not manually curated. While we have made every possible effort to provide meaningful statistics, we can not guarantee the correctness or accuracy of any of the statistics. Statistics might be recomputed anytime without notice. Access to statistics might be disabled anytime without notice.


  • 2015 to 2025
  • Scientific and scholarly journals only (monographs, conference proceedings, reference works, textbooks, etc. are not covered)
  • Publishers and journals using the doi system via CrossRef only
  • Publishers (and their journals) satisfying at least one of the following conditions:
    • At least 10% of articles in Web of Science (AHCI, SCIE, SSCI, ESCI)
    • At least 10% of articles in SCOPUS

Available Statistics

All statistics offered through Scilit Rankings are based on volume, i.e. journal papers published.

Journal-level Statistics

  • Number of papers published in the journal per year
  • Percentage of papers published under an open access license per year
  • Average number of authors per paper per year
  • Crowd-sourced author ratings (where available): perceived quality and competence of the peer-reviewers and the editors; perceived quality of the journal; peer-review and decision-making speed.
  • Information about coverage by leading indexing services (Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, etc. )

Publisher-level Statistics

  • Number of journals published per year (only journals that published minimum one item are counted)
  • Number of papers published per year
  • Percentage of journals that published minimum one paper under an open license per year
  • Count of journals covered by leading indexing services (Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, etc. )
  • (Same statistics on an imprint-level for each publisher's imprints, where those imprints use a different doi prefix)

Market-level Statistics

  • Market-size in terms of papers published per year
  • Number of papers published under an open access license per year
  • Market-size in terms of actively published journals per year (only journals that published minimum one item are counted)
  • Number of journals that published minimum one paper under an open access license per year
  • Market distribution (market share) per publisher per year in terms of papers published
  • Overall market distribution per year (Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient for each year)

Data Sources

  • CrossRef API
  • Web of Science list of covered journals (SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI)
  • Scopus list of covered journals
  • PubMed list of covered journals (PubMed, MEDLINE, PMC)
  • INSPEC list of covered journals
  • Compendex list of covered journals
  • Geobase list of covered journals
  • DOAJ list of covered journals

Open Access

Data about papers published under open access licenses are currently collected from two providers: DOAJ (licensing information available on journal-level but only for journals that publish exclusively under open access licenses), and Publisher website metadata (licensing information available on a per paper-level for some Publishers). We will include PubMed Central article-level licensing data in a future update. Because many hybrid journals do not offer metadata or licensing information which are easily machine-readable, the statistics about open access content are likely too low. E.g. Scilit Rankings reports 270'000 open access papers for a total market size of roughly 2.4 million papers for 2013 (which is about 11% open access papers). In reality the share of open access papers might be much higher if all papers published under open licenses in hybrid journals could be easily and properly counted). Green open access, i.e. self-archived pre- or post-prints are currently not included.

Metadata Quality, Historical Data, Publisher Imprints, Title Changes, and Change of Publisher

Scilit Rankings currently shows data and charts for the time period 2013 to 2025. Because most of the data about journals, publications and relations between publisher imprints has been obtained after 2017 from CrossRef, a system initiated by Publishers in 1999, historical data is not necessarily correct in Scilit Rankings. For instance, Wiley-Blackwell is listed as one entity in Scilit Rankings, although this particular entity was established by a merger in 2007. We currently do not have historical data about relations of publisher imprints readily available.

Furthermore, the data available through the CrossRef API is mainly for identifying and permanently linking scholarly resources on the Internet. It was not designed for tracking journal title changes, or tracking the imprints of publishers, to the purpose of generating statistics. For journals and publishers that have a long publication history, including title changes or changes of publishers, the metadata and hence the statistics on Scilit Rankings can be duplicated or erroneous.


  • Last update

    Update: Scilit Rankings was last updated on 24 January 2025

  • Open Access

    Open access figures include gold and hybrid open access models, but excludes green open access.

  • Countries

    Countries are matched from affiliation data or via matching institutes from affiliation data of publications. Currently the number of publishers making affiliation data openly available is still limited.